Technology authors cover industries that are undergoing fast advances and modifications, going for the possiblity to report on exciting and developments that are ground-breaking

Technology authors cover industries that are undergoing fast advances and modifications, going for the possiblity to report on exciting and developments that are ground-breaking

Technology authors cover industries that are undergoing fast advances and modifications, going for the possiblity to report on exciting and developments that are ground-breaking

As a technology author you are going to research, write and modify news that is scientific articles and features, for company, trade and expert magazines, expert scientific and technical journals, as well as the general news.

Technology authors need to comprehend complex systematic information, theories and techniques. You ought to be in a position to compose in clear, succinct and accurate language which can be comprehended because of the average man or woman.

You’ll often be referred to as a medical journalist., in the event that you report on clinical news for the news and undertake an even more investigatory, critical part.

Technology composing for non-media outlets involves interacting research that is scientific a professional or lay market, either for journals, marketing brochures and sites or as pr announcements.

Some technology writing jobs may have a feature of modifying or wider communications duties as well as researching and writing.


The activities that are particular’ll undertake rely on the character of the part and whom you’re composing for. Common tasks consist of:

  • creating articles for book in publications and online based on agreed design, and maintaining to strict deadlines
  • performing interviews with researchers, physicians and academics and developing a community of skillfully developed
  • going to educational and press conferences
  • visiting research establishments
  • reading and investigating expert news and literary works, e.g. systematic documents, business reports, magazines, mags and journals, press releases and internet resources including media that are social
  • going to conferences or part that is taking seminar telephone phone phone calls with clients, boffins or other authors
  • ending up in colleagues to prepare this content of the document or book
  • performing guide searches
  • reviewing and work that is amending reaction to editor feedback
  • choosing appropriate artwork to come with articles
  • sporadically reading page proofs from printers and checking colour proofs.

Salary amounts rely on the kind of work you undertake, your types of company and exactly how much experience you have actually. Salaries differ commonly between areas and magazines.

  • Technology article writers can make between ?15,000 and ?26,000 each year within their positions that are initial. Brand brand New freelance article writers may make less while they work at becoming well-established.
  • Article writers can get their income to increase with experience, and science that is senior roles might be marketed at around ?35,000.

Internships are usually minimal wage or bursary supported.

Freelancers are taken care of each piece that is individual of. Most outlets have standard charges, including set amounts for little articles and per-word prices for extended articles. As a guide, many article writers make use of the nationwide Union of Journalists (NUJ) Freelance costs Guide.

Earnings numbers are meant as helpful tips just.

Performing hours

Performing hours vary, although if you should be working in-house you will typically be working 9am to 5pm. Nonetheless, technology authors often need certainly to work very long hours to generally meet due dates, so that you’ll require an approach that is flexible working additional to support breaking news and in-depth, time intensive jobs.

What to expect

  • Tasks are mainly workplace based but visits to meet up with customers or to interview specialists might be needed.
  • Technology article writers usually work with a freelance foundation, placing ahead tips for articles to technology editors and also by getting ‘on the publications’ as a normal freelance author for just one or more organisations. If this relates to you, you might home based or journey to business workplaces if you have been contracted for a amount that is certain of.
  • Jobs can be purchased in towns through the British.
  • Travel during the day that is working typical. Article writers might also travel internationally to wait conferences and see consumers.


Generally speaking, there are 2 channels you are able to simply take to be a technology author:

  • move from the technology career into composing
  • move from journalism into professional technology writing.

Many technology authors have technology level and on occasion even a science qualification that is postgraduate. A scientist may either begin composing instantly upon graduation, or can transfer to the industry after years of systematic research.

Often authors with technology degrees undertake a further qualification that is postgraduate journalism or clinical communications to be able to further their clinical writing professions. These courses try to assist those from the science-based back ground distil complex information to an even that most people can realize.

Levels especially in technology communication, available from a variety of British universities, will prepare you for a lifetime career in technology writing by honing a number of abilities, including:

  • organising and curating events that are public displays for technology organisations
  • broadcasting science on television and radio
  • publicising technology through web sites and social media marketing
  • modifying and publishing content that is scientific.

Jobs in science interaction are usually in the increase – fewer science journalism functions are being offered, nonetheless.

It is vital to research which topics are covered for each programme you think about, what graduates of this programme continue to accomplish if any work experience and networking possibilities are included, as program framework will be different between institutions.

If you should be seeking to get into technology journalism in specific, it is vital to verify that the program is accredited because of the nationwide Council for working out of Journalists (NCTJ).

Instead, if you are a journalist that is trained reporter you can easily specialise in technology writing. Entering the journalism industry can be carried out in many methods – you might just simply take a degree that is inspect site undergraduate journalism, or finish a diploma in an unusual subject then study for the postgraduate qualification in journalism.

You should be in a position to show:

  • exemplary written and oral communication abilities
  • a solid fascination with technology
  • the capacity to think logically and realize complex tips and information
  • good organisational and time management abilities
  • capability to work under great pressure to due dates
  • resilience, freedom, perseverance and self-motivation
  • A understanding that is sound of computer programs.

Work experience

You should be in a position to provide a profile of work. Recruiters would want to see as many published samples of your writing as you can as proof your capability, and not simply a set of your skills.

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